Friday, June 28, 2013

NVW Success Stories - A Parent's Note to Steve

June 27, 2013

Dear Steve,

Susan and I wanted to write you to update you on what’s happening with our son, and to thank you again for all you did for him on the positive path he seems to be on.

H. graduated Cherokee Creek Boys School two weeks ago, a full year since he first arrived at New Vision Wilderness and only nine months since he went to South Carolina. In that time, he has grown so much both physically and emotionally that it seems a miracle. We are so excited that he has come home and that we have the opportunity to be a strong and loving family again.

What New Vision and you, specifically, did for H. was amazing. Not only did you arrest his bad behaviors but you opened his mind and heart to a whole new future. Cherokee Creek made a point of telling us that none of their students had ever come out of the wilderness in such a strong and stable condition as our son did. He was open to his new therapist and made a fairly easy transition to the new environment. Most importantly, he had become self-aware and less impulse-driven.

The key to all this was the incredible work you did to break through all the emotional barriers he had built around himself. You were able to help him find awareness of what he was feeling and the vocabulary to describe it clearly to others. He was able to talk to you as he had never talked to anyone else; parents, friend or therapist. He is now not only someone who can talk, but he is someone who wants to communicate.

At Cherokee Creek, he has become a mentor and leader. Several times this year he has been asked to mentor new students. He has also spent time rooming with student’s having real difficulties, helping to get them on track again.

H. also worked very hard to put himself in a position where coming home was first a possibility, and then a reality. While he still has issues to work on; He has come a long way. He has found a passion working with animals. He organized a volunteer program at a local animal shelter, which he and several students go to on Saturdays. He also asked for and was able to arrange an internship at a Veterinary Hospital around the corner from us for the two weeks he is home, before going to summer camp.

Thank you again for doing so much to help set H. on the path he is on. Our best wishes go to you and everyone at New Vision and good luck on your new endeavors.

Forever in you debt,

Adam S. and Susan S.